Duis non purus nec nibh rhoncus sodales egestas at nisl. Nulla rutrum leo sed justo egestas egestas. Sed tempus magna diam, quis consequat erat bibendum in. Pellentesque molestie quam quis justo tincidunt, sit amet rhoncus augue gravida. Fusce ultrices risus in arcu tempus egestas. Duis lacinia tortor neque, at tempor purus pulvinar vel. Donec consectetur
S.No | Client | End User | Sites Executed | Implementation Year | Work Experience | Equipment Type | Region |
1 | Nokia | Reliance | 2500 | 2014 - Till present | I&C, AT, Link Testing, Stability, Migration, Switching Test and Site Shifting | SDH, DWDM and OTN Upto 200G | Nortd, West and East, NE and J&K |
2 | Nokia | Reliance | 2500 | 2014 - Till present | I&C, AT, Link Testing, Stability, Migration, Switching Test and Site Shifting | SDH, DWDM and OTN Upto 200G | North, West and East, NE and J&K |
3 | Nokia | Reliance | 2500 | 2014 - Till present | I&C, AT, Link Testing, Stability, Migration, Switching Test and Site Shifting | SDH, DWDM and OTN Upto 200G | North, West and East, NE and J&K |
4 | Nokia | Reliance | 2500 | 2014 - Till present | I&C, AT, Link Testing, Stability, Migration, Switching Test and Site Shifting | SDH, DWDM and OTN Upto 200G | North, West and East, NE and J&K |
5 | Nokia | Reliance | 2500 | 2014 - Till present | I&C, AT, Link Testing, Stability, Migration, Switching Test and Site Shifting | SDH, DWDM and OTN Upto 200G | North, West and East, NE and J&K |
6 | Nokia | Reliance | 2500 | 2014 - Till present | I&C, AT, Link Testing, Stability, Migration, Switching Test and Site Shifting | SDH, DWDM and OTN Upto 200G | North, West and East, NE and J&K |
7 | Nokia | Reliance | 2500 | 2014 - Till present | I&C, AT, Link Testing, Stability, Migration, Switching Test and Site Shifting | SDH, DWDM and OTN Upto 200G | North, West and East, NE and J&K |
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